Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dentist Day

Today I had my first dentist appointment since having the bay-bah and I wasnt sure how it was going to go with a little one...but true to his nature it went GREAT!

Our sweet receptionist hung-out with our little guy for about 40 minutes while I was in the back getting x-rays and my teeth cleaned. I left him in his carseat (which he HATES) during his was I supposed to know what his schedule was going to be 6 months ago when I set up the appointment??? But either way I wouldn't blame him for crying and being crabby but when I walked out to the front, the receptionist was swinging back and forth on her swivel chair with the baby in her arm and he was in heaven :)

She said he didn't cry at all, just sat with her loving being held. I am so thankful for such a sweet, content, smily baby boy!

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