Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stinker's Baptism

On Sunday December 26th, Stinker received the sacrament of baptism in front of our spiritual/church family and our physical family. It was a beautiful day! Stinker was loving being in front of everyone and soaked up Pastor David's attention. He was giggling and babbling away to the delight of Speedy and I. I even received a phone call from one of the elders and a couple offhanded comments from other members who said it was the 'best baptism of 2010' hahaha.

Truly ALL baptisms are the best and special in their own way. Each one I have witnessed always taps a spiritual soft spot in my heart that results in making me tear up.

Monday, December 27, 2010

McKenzie Christmas

This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with the McKenzie side of the family by driving around looking at lights, decorating gingerbread cookies, playing games, watching movies, and going for walks.

Ever since I can remember we have always had these Christmas traditions:

> We each get to open ONE present before attending Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
> Go to church
> Eat hors d'oeuvres while opening the rest of the presents
> Wake up Christmas morning to open our stockings
> Go see a movie in the movie theater - Stinker slept in my arms through the WHOLE thing!
> Share a Christmas meal

On Christmas Eve Stinker tried solid food, on the menu....organic avocado! Jury is out about just how much he has actually swallowed but he seems to like it.

We just said "adios" to my parents this morning but Stinker is scheduled for some 'Auntie Snack' time for the next few afternoons this week :)

Merry Christmas Friends!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gallagher Christmas

(Got my par-tay clothes on!)

Last night we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Gallagher and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Jefts. They came over for Christmas cookies and Holiday drinks. I made Gingerbread Bars (Great Grandma's favorite), and Grandma Gallagher made a variety of Christmas cookies. We had Peppermint Hot Coco, Pear Cinnamon Cider (Great Grandpa's new favorite!), decaf coffee, and Vanilla Cinnamon hot tea to choose from.

Stinker is really into sucking on tags of blankets, toys, whatever has a tag! Each gift he opened he went right for the tags :) A couple evenings a week Speedy and I sit outside to roast marshmallows on our grill and make smores...we can't wait to use our gift.

We opened gifts and chatted over the drinks and dessert while listening to Christmas music, it was a cozy evening!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First All-Nighter With a Sick Baby

I has experienced a motherhood rite of passage, being woken up multiple times throughout the night by my sick baby. During the day he was sneezing, eyes watering, coughing, the works. But at night his poor little nose was all stuffed up so when he went to suck on his pacifier he couldn't breath well so he would wake up and cry :(

I woke up so many times last night at one point I was certain it was 5:30am and thinking that I should just go pump his bottle for the next day (while I was up so that I could go back to sleep and not try to wake up just before him) but when I checked a clock it was only 12:30am!

I have to admit I kinda liked taking care of and being woke up all night...it just reminded me how helpless he still is and that made me think of the sermon we just heard the Sunday before about how you can only truly love someone when you know and have experienced the love of Christ. So yes, Stinker it is a pleasure to love you more than I love sleep because in a small way, it is a reflection of the love I have experienced through my heavenly father.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Speedy's Birthday Weekend

Every year we go to Knott's Berry Farm for Speedy's birthday with the Gallaghers so this marked the first year Stinker joined us :)

(us at the front gate)

In the name of tradition, we spent 5 hours in the car roundtrip for 3.5 hours in the actual park eating lunch, walking through the Christmas craft tables, and watching 'A Christmas Carol' at the Birdcage Theater. Its just different going to an amusement park with a 6 month old huh? Actually Stinker did FABULOUS for such a long, fun, day. He loved being pushed in his stroller outside takin in all the sights and sounds :)

(having fun around the park)

(Soooooo full from Mrs. Knott's Restaurant)

On Speedy's actual birthday we did our annual dinner at Stone - such a fantastic place. We sat outside again enjoying the beautiful weather and the atmosphere of the backyard gardens. I am so thankful to have such a God-loving, humble, strong, hard-working, and funny best friend to do this life with.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Stink Creep

He sees it...
...reaches for it....
....just outta reach...
....maybe just maybe...
....ah, success!!!!

I think it's safe to say that life is about to change...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Old Lady in Me

Bedtime has changed for us...I was talking to a close friend on the phone about how our lives have changed - we have reversed roles. She used to have a strict 9pm bedtime and Speedy and I were night owls who stayed up until midnight on average. My friend's baby needs a late late night feeding so she has to gear up for that. I used to not get tired until 11ish but now I am so sleepy I force myself to stay up until 9 to feed Stinker.

Now Stinker is getting so tall my rocker doesnt really work for us anymore! But we try to make it work anyway :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Freakin' Time Change!

So my once excellent napper and sleep-through-the-night baby has morphed into a crib-resisting, red-eyed, rebel! Before we 'fell back' Stinker went to bed at 7:30 woke at 10 for one last meal then slept until 6:45am. He would happily nap from 8am-9:30am and 10:45am-1:00pm like clockwork but now he is waking up at all hours of the night and cries when I try to lay him down for a nap :(

So yesterday my day started with a 4am wakeup call (where after I changed his diaper and gave him his pacifier he cried for an hour) and ended with him puking on my dinner plate! Whoof. I am thankful for the mommies in my life who I can call for tricks. Anywho, here are some pics of our drooly little man!